Open Source Ecosystem Conference

SSS will exhibit at Open Source Summit Japan & AI_dev

October 21, 2024
Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (SSS) will be taking part as a platinum sponsor of the "Open Source Summit Japan" and "AI_dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit Japan" in Toranomon Hills Forum from October 28-29th, 2024. We will exhibit AITRIOS™, Sony’s edge AI sensing platform, as well as our recently-announced AI camera jointly developed with Raspberry Pi.

At this exhibition, where open source developers, engineers, and community leaders gather to highlight the latest open source technologies, attendees will be able to see the open source software (OSS) projects that are being carried out at AITRIOS.

Official sponsor Open Source Summit Japan

Event information

Exhibition: Open Source Summit Japan / AI_dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit Japan
Dates: Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Venue: Toranomon Hills Forum
SSS Booth: Sponsor Showcase
Event Website (Open Source Summit Japan):
Event Website (AI_dev Japan):

Exhibit Showcase

We will exhibit the new software kit "Local Edition" on AITRIOS, a live demonstration of the new Raspberry Pi AI Camera, and our OSS projects.

OSS Projects Through Local Edition

Starting July 2024, AITRIOS began offering the "Local Edition," which allows users to easily develop on AITRIOS, even in offline, local environments, and without needing a cloud service.

Learn more at

In addition, the Local Console, a control function for Local Edition devices, is now available as OSS, as of October 2024.

Local Console has the following features:

  • For edge devices (AI cameras), you can manage and execute the tasks necessary for the development of edge AI applications, such as dynamically deploying edge AI apps and AI models, starting and stopping AI inference, and acquiring telemetry data, all from a unified UI.
  • Local Console supports the development of edge AI applications using advanced WebAssembly (Wasm)* for edge and it also plans to support Python, a popular language used amongst AI developers.
  • Achieves multi-device support (multiple devices, multiple architectures). In addition to AITRIOS-compatible edge devices, some functions are also provided for edge devices equipped with Raspberry Pi AI cameras.

* WebAssembly: This technology was developed to execute programs at high speed on web browsers and, in recent years, it has been applied to edge devices.

At this exhibition, we will demonstrate inference using Local Console for attendees to experience how real inference results would look.

Learn more about Local Console at GitHub - SonySemiconductorSolutions/local-console

Learn more about the Local Edition of the local learning tool, "Local Studio" at Brain Builder for AITRIOS

Raspberry Pi AI Camera Demo

As of September 30th, we are proud to announce our jointly developed camera with Raspberry Pi, the Raspberry Pi AI camera, equipped with the Sony’s IMX500, which can process AI on the sensor.

As a co-developer with Raspberry Pi, we are contributing to the development of software for drivers and libraries related to the control of the IMX500 mounted on the Raspberry Pi AI camera.

In addition to aforementioned demonstrations, we will also showcase demos using the Raspberry Pi AI camera and AI models (anomaly detection and object detection).

For more information on the new, Raspberry Pi AI camera, visit

*AITRIOS and AITRIOS logos are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Group Corporation or its affiliated companies.